Saturday, December 5, 2009

Goodnight Dear Brute

Brutus' nightmare from his perspective

The plain was as barren as death's cruel heart. I stood there; the heat was driving me mad. In the distance there was noise, and dust started to rise, first in the East, then in the West. Two armies raced towards conflict. The sky started to change to crimson, reminiscent of dried blood. The two forces clashed in a frightening mess of violence; one army was lead by a giant, brightly dressed king, who was wearing a mask. The King’s forces wore rich robes, and rode chariots of fire. The opposing army was made up of half dead men clothed in black; they rode on skeleton horses.

Suddenly I was pulled onto a skeleton horse, and given a knife that was said to be dipped with poison. The shadowy figure that steered the horse and I headed straight for the masked king. As we approached his entourage, I leaped off the horse, over the heads of surprised guards, and stabbed the king through the heart. I was shocked when the mask fell to reveal the face of Caesar carved in stone. Soon the stone Caesar and all of his men started to burst into pebbles while the dark army climbed out of their dismal outfits to reveal angels slowly rising to heaven. Suddenly I was sitting in my bed, sweating and knowing this dream meant I had to kill Caesar.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Adio Reh Assius Ceh

WKRP host - Welcome to WKRP, Rome's favourite radio station! Today we are going to talk with an anonymous Senator about everybody's favourite leader; Julius Caesar. Here is the Senator!

Senator - Thank you very much for having me on the show. I just want to let you know that I love this city and I love the people of this city. We live in the greatest empire ever known to man; ROME! You surely must remember the stories you heard as children of the tyrants that used to rule this glorious state? They’re back. Those treacherous murderers have returned to oppress us again. Though even in the old times it was not the men themselves that were evil; it was their power that corrupted them. Now we, the people of Rome, are trying to give that all destroying power to Caesar.

WKRP host - Are you saying Caesar is corrupted?

Senator – Such vile words would never leave my mouth. No, I am saying that too much power can destroy any man. Caesar is a great leader now, but will he be great when he is king; will his children be great, or will they be tyrants like the Tarquins? Tonight Rome I beg you ask yourself this question; is Caesar safe from his own power?

WKRP host – Thank you for coming on the show Senator; I bid you well in your twisted world of political games. A heads up, there is a battalion of Caesar’s men on their way to arrest you; my producer called them, he thought you were talking treason or something; better run.

Thursday, October 15, 2009



1) The author of the book is Alan Moore. Alan Moore is a revolutionary writer who wrote my book, "Watchmen". He is a self pro-claimed anarchists and is known for fighting against corporations. Alan Moore has written many critically acclaimed graphic novels; he was a big part of the adult comic book movement. Moore has written 230 comic books, graphic novels and fictional stories; this is not including interviews, introductions, articles or strips in newspapers and magazines. Moore has had four of his graphic novels made into movies including "Watchmen". He has also appeared on an episode of the Simpson's, one of his favourite shows.

2) In "Watchmen" Moore explores what would have happened if heroes had surfaced in the 40's. In this alternate universe the heroes and eventual super-hero have effected the cold war and have made nuclear conflict imminent. The main characters are the retired heroes. The first generation of heroes are happy with there lives; they are glad about what they did and happy to be retired. The second generation heroes are not in the best of spirits, and they hate that they were heroes and hate that they were forced to retire or work for the government. After the murder of one of the original heroes, who was government employed; one outlawed hero, Rorschach, starts to investigate the death of his comrade. During his mission to uncover the mask killer he brings other heroes out of retirement. Together they brave the police, angry civilians and angrier heroes to try and stop the devastating plot before it gets too out of control.

3) The setting of "Watchmen" is an alternate past. The past is changed when heroes arrive in 1939. These masked vigilantes have no powers but some cool technology and awesome fighting skills. As time goes on they effect the state of the world negatively and the world changes until 1985 when the story takes place. The heroes have made nuclear war a certainty. The threat of nuclear war causes the atmosphere of the story to be a dark one. The evil corrupting society and almost certain mass nuclear murder, make everyone edgy; few are optimistic. I have to say the atmosphere is very depressing and full of death. Lots of what happens is in New York; although, there are scenes anywhere from that antarctic to Mars.

4) Rorschach is the sanest insane person ever. He is out of the world, yet understanding of it. One of his personality traits is his discipline. He has a no forgiveness approach to the problem of society. He tries to do nothing wrong not realizing that people make mistakes. I think he is too hard on people not leaving any room for forgiveness, just punishment. He kills those that do wrong and seems to think of him self as above everybody else. I think this is just a security net he built after his mother verbally and physically abused him.

Another trait of Rorschach is depression. During the day he pickets about the end of the world. He lets everybody know they are going to die. His apocalyptic attitude is frightening and is also most likely from growing up seeing his mother, a prostitute, at work. Things like that scared and scarred him, and so did the boys home he went to. His tortured and demented mind realized that the world was going to end soon; even if soon didn't mean tomorrow.

5) I really enjoyed reading this book. It was a very fun read and really made me think about the state of the world, and how far is too far when stopping a war. Besides the great questions of heart and opinion this book offered an interesting look at the hero genre. I liked how it displayed the heroes; as real people. Definitely a 5 out of 5.


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